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Orange Neurosciences: Education for All. All for Education

A Social Responsibility and Global Action Project by MBA Students at Goa Institute of Management

This innovation has emerged out of the care and love of a teacher for his students. Dr. Vinay Singh during the interview said that teaching is his first love, and this emerges in this innovation.

ReadON is a software-based cognitive therapy platform designed by Orange Neurosciences for students who have some learning disabilities or differences which make it difficult to read, learn, and comprehend things. It is beneficial to anyone above 5 years of age to adulthood but more specifically beneficial to vulnerable students with diagnosed or undiagnosed Learning Disabilities, Dyslexia, ADHD, or Autism Spectrum Disorders and association stress, anxiety, depression, and suicidal tendencies. It is the most advanced solution designed to support children and adults with reading disorders and associated mental health issues.

Simply put by Dr. Vinay Singh, CEO of Orange Neurosciences during our interview, ReadON is a software-based cognitive therapy where students interact with the software by performing certain activities in a gamified manner that can be played either on a desktop or a laptop. It is a 45-hour program that needs to be completed within 4 months. It includes 15 one-hour sessions of cognitive therapy which needs to be completed within 5 weeks. It also includes 30 hours of reading therapy- reading exercises and games which are to be completed in the next 10 weeks.

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